Section 1: Name – The name of this organization is AC Tennis Club, Inc.
Section 2: Purpose – Provide fun, competitive tennis matches and social opportunities for its members.
Article II: Membership
Section 1: All persons interested in becoming members of this Club may be accepted at any meeting of the Board of Directors, upon submission of an application for membership, accompanied with a fee, and approval of said application by a majority of the Directors.
Section 2: The number of members shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: A member may be expelled from the Club by a majority vote of the Board of Directors for committing any offense contrary to the AC Tennis rules.
Article III: Officers and Board of Directors
The affairs of the club shall be administered by a Board of Directors and a President, Scheduler, and Treasurer.
Article IV: Amendments:
These Bylaws may be amended at any General Membership meeting or special meeting of the Club upon a majority vote of the members present provided 15 days previous notice of the proposed amendment has been delivered to each voting member of the club.
Article V: Meetings:
Section 1: Electronic methods of notification, meeting, and balloting may be used in a manner determined by the Board.
Section 2: Meetings shall be held in accordance with the number set by the Board of Directors.
Section 3: The Annual Meeting shall be held once per year at which time the election of Officers shall take place.
Section 4: Each active member present at a Meeting and in good standing shall be entitled to one vote upon any matter coming before the club at a Meeting.
Article VI: Dues:
Section 1: The amount of membership dues shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 2: Each dues payment includes membership in the Club for the fiscal year of the Club, which is May 1st through April 30th.
Section 3: Non-payment of dues by the 15th of April may result in termination of membership.
Article VII: Officers
Section 1: The Officers shall be the administrative body of the Club and shall consist of a President, Scheduler, and Treasurer. All Officers shall be elected as provided in the Bylaws.
Section 2: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and shall be the chief executive officer of the Club. The President shall reserve court time for member use at the beginning of each year and shall plan or nominate a committee for the planning of social events.
Section 3: The Scheduler shall oversee the scheduling of member matches during the year, communicate schedules to members in a timely manner, and maintain rankings.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all monies received or distributed, keep the club’s financial accounts, and shall enter in detail all receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall prepare an annual statement at the end of the year. The Treasurer shall be authorized to open an account in the name of the club and deposit all funds therein.
Section 5: Standing Officers, if necessary, shall be appointed by the Board and shall carry out the details necessary to the office to which appointed.
Article VIII: Governing Body
Section 1: The Board of Directors shall consist of the three Officers and as many additional Directors as required to conduct the affairs of the club efficiently and effectively. If the current Board sees a need for additional Directors, the President with the consent of the Board may appoint additional Directors, the number of new Directors not to exceed 2.
Section 2: The Board of Directors shall have control and management of the affairs of the Club. It shall be the duty of the Board to carry out the objectives of the Club.
Section 3: Board meetings shall be held at the call of the President or at the request of two (2) members of the Board.
Section 4: Officers shall be elected for a period of one year.
Section 5: A quorum shall consist of a majority of the total members of the Board in that current year and shall be empowered to transact Club business.
Section 6: The Board of Directors shall designate whatever standing and special committees that may in their judgment be necessary for the conduct and care of Club affairs. The Board shall appoint chairs for said committees.
Section 7: Removal of a Director or Officer shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the Board at a meeting called for the purpose of removing the Director or Officer.
Article IX: Elections
Section 1: The annual election of Officers for the following year shall take place at the Annual Meeting.
Section 2: Newly elected Officers will take office on April 1st.